ADHD in the News & Weekly

ADHD Weekly, February 21, 2019

February 21, 2019

Private School for Your Child with ADHD?

Help Your Child Make and Keep Friends

Watch This Video To Add Years To Your Life


ADHD in the News 2019-02-21

February 21, 2019

Animal study suggests Ritalin won’t harm the heart

Children with autism, co-occurring ADHD symptoms lag in key measures of independence

ADHD: Parenting Beyond Behavior, Beliefs, and Grades


ADHD Weekly, February 14, 2019

February 14, 2019

Telling Your Heartthrob That You Have ADHD

Forgiveness Is Good For Your Relationship

Don’t Let ADHD Spoil The Romance


ADHD in the News 2019-02-14

February 14, 2019

Half of U.S. Kids With a Mental Health Disorder Don’t Get Treatment

Fundamental technology to support early differential diagnosis of concurrent ASD in patients with ADHD

Why Investors Should Care About The Mental Health Of Startup Founders


ADHD Weekly, February 7, 2019

February 8, 2019

Planning for Life Beyond High School with ADHD

Trade School Instead of College?

How Do We Help African-American Children with ADHD?


ADHD in the News 2019-02-07

February 7, 2019

Sleep program helping ADHD kids rest easier and improve quality of life

Positive findings with dasotraline for ADHD in children ages 6-12

How to Manage Your ADHD While at Work


ADHD Weekly, January 31, 2019

January 31, 2019

Fidget Toys and ADHD: Still Paying Attention?

Down the Rabbit Hole: The Internet, Social Media, and ADHD

Learn to ‘See’ Time Better to Get More Done


ADHD in the News 2019-01-31

January 31, 2019

People With ADHD Focus Better While Exercising

New Study Suggests Regular Cardio Can Improve Some Types Of Brain Function

Therapeutic Video Game May Help Kids with ADHD and Autism


ADHD Weekly, January 24, 2019

January 25, 2019

When Medication Costs Too Much: Prescription Assistance

App Roundup: Helpful Suggestions for 2019

Should I Tell the Boss I Have ADHD?


ADHD in the News 2019-01-24

January 24, 2019

Five Ways to Help Children with ADHD Develop Their Strengths

Genetic risk for ADHD manifest in brain structure in childhood

Dyscalculia: ‘maths dyslexia’ or why so many children struggle with numbers


ADHD Weekly, January 17, 2019

January 17, 2019

Skip the Resolutions, Pick a New Year’s Theme

Finding the Right Summer Camp

Connecting With Your Partner Amid Chaos


ADHD in the News 2019-01-17

January 17, 2019

ADHD diagnosis not a good fit for daydreamers

Team finds how error and reward signals are organized within the cerebral cortex

Dispelling 6 Common Myths About Oppositional Defiant Disorder

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