ADHD and Adults: Are You Believing these Erroneous Beliefs?
When you’re first diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you might have mixed emotions. On the one hand, you might feel relieved to finally have an explanation for your symptoms...On the other hand, you might feel disappointed, angry or ashamed...You also might adopt unhelpful perspectives that only exacerbate your negative thoughts and stop you from navigating ADHD successfully. Below, clinical psychologist and ADHD expert Roberto Olivardia, Ph.D, shared two belief systems along with why they’re wrong.
Other Articles in this Edition
The handcuffed boy video: How to discipline children with ADHD
Adult ADHD: Recognition and Treatment Approaches
Can You Treat ADHD Without Drugs?
What Happens to Children with Behavioral Disorders?
An Epilepsy Comorbidity to Watch Out For
ADHD and Adults: Are You Believing these Erroneous Beliefs?
New York Times Science Site Targets Curious (But Distractible) Students