Techniques for working with ADD team members
In my last post, we discussed identifying and helping those of your team members who may have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) ADHD. While understanding why that person is hard to manage is one thing, are there specific steps you can take to make meetings less painful and the day-to-day job of supervising less of a chore? Rick Green, whose comedy writing I have long admired, is a producer, director and comedian who was diagnosed with ADHD
Other Articles in this Edition
ADHD Meds May Raise Risk for Psychotic Side Effects in Some Kids: Study
Psychotic Symptoms in Children on Stimulants. What are the Implications for the Clinician?
Study finds no increased risk of autism, ADHD with prenatal antidepressant exposure
Techniques for working with ADD team members
10 Ways to Make the Most of a Child’s IEP Meeting