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Attention Magazine October 2006

Finding their Way: A major League BaseBall Family Deals with ADHD

Beth Ross

In baseball, Jeff Conine is an honored former All-Star. At home he is a loving and involved dad. The Conines share their story of raising a child with ADHD.

Creating a Safety Zone to Maximize Productivity

Robert M. Tudisco Esq

The article is a reference source to minimizing the effects of ADHD in your home and office environment–using simple principles that can manage, control and empower for success.

Encontrando el camino

Beth Ross

Una familia del beisbol e las grandes ligas le hadce frente al TDA/H.

The Economic Cost of ADHD: Reversing Negative Outcomes

Paula Novash

Recent research conducted by Ronald Kesser, J. Russell Ramsay and collegues shows that around 40 percenct of children continue to experience full effects of ADHD into adulthood.

School Days or Daze?

Terry J. Illes

Strategies for a successful school year.