How Mindfulness Tunes Function in 4 Key ADHD Brain Circuits
KEY POINTS: It is the brain's job to filter and make sense of the firehose of stimuli, internal and external, from which we drink every moment. ADHD is common, affecting nearly 10% of children and over 10 million adults. Mindfulness-based approaches in clinical studies and practice have utility in alleviating ADHD symptoms by targeting core pathways.
Other Articles in this Edition
From Day 1: ADHD and Comorbid Conditions
New Treatment Option for ADHD: Unique Pharmacokinetic Profile and Range of Dosing Options
Micronutrient Supplementation Linked to Positive Global Effects in Pediatric ADHD
Communication Strategies for Management of Pediatric ADHD: Do Care Managers Improve Outcomes?
Why is ADHD awareness important?
How to get organized at home when you have ADHD or mental health issues