ADHD Awareness Awards: The Work Continues

 ADHD Weekly November 15, 2018

October is over, but ADHD awareness continues throughout the year.

This year, the ADHD Awareness Coalition hosted video and meme contests, along with opportunities to share ADHD artwork and personal stories on its website. The contests were sponsored by Akili Interactive Labs, Shire, ADD Crusher, and TotallyADD. This year’s judges were Alan Brown of ADD Crusher and Rick Green of TotallyADD. Altogether, there were more than 1,500 votes for the various entries on the coalition’s social media and Facebook pages.

Life in art

The winners of the ADHD Awareness Month contests for videos and memes have been announced. Entries were designed to increase awareness with realistic experiences of life with ADHD. Entries this year range in an array of creative expression from flashcards to skits.

Video Contest Winners

Child Category

Family Category

Adult Category

Professional Category

Viewers’ Choice—Parents Need to Control Emotions, Too

Meme Contest Winners

Judges’ Choice—Funniest Memes

Judges’ Choice – Most Thought Provoking


Judges’ Choice – Most Heart-Touching

Viewers’ Choice – Best Memes

Honorable Mentions – ADHD Warrior Awards for Somehow Managing to Submit…

  • Rimmelle for five memes
  • Lou Brown for four memes
  • Shelia for four memes

You can check out all of these memes and all the entries at ADHD Memes.

Personal stories and artwork of perseverance

In addition to viewing the memes and videos, you can also browse the personal experiences shared through stories and artwork.

“I realized that although I had no control over what life gave me, I did have control over my attitude,” a college student from Georgia shares in one story. “I know that the persistence, compassion and resilience that I have developed will help me focus on my goals and not stop until I achieve them.”

“I never considered ADHD before because I had a misconception of what the disorder was,” writes Summer in her personal story on coming to understand ADHD and finding treatment that works for her. “I now know it’s more than not paying attention and being hyper. There is hope.”

You can read their stories and more at ADHD Stories.

Katie’s Kaleidoscope Tinted World

Additional contributors shared their artwork describing what it is like for them to live with ADHD. The image “Katie’s Kaleidoscope Tinted World” offers a glimpse into the artist’s world.

“My image hopefully portrays my ADHD busy brain,” writes Katie EH. “This is a reflection of how many thoughts my head is full of and how hard it is to pick one out to concrete one on at a time.”

You can see all the artwork at Your ADHD Art.

The ADHD community—and you

“The participation of so many and the enthusiasm that has been ignited has made a big difference in the lives of those with ADHD as well as those who care about them,” said the ADHD Awareness Coalition in announcing this year’s winners.

Are you looking for ways that you can continue to help set the record straight?

As part of the growing coalition of ADHD community members, you can:

Join the discussion: Which of this year’s entries were your favorites?