Ask the Expert Educators Edition: Project-Based Learning and ADHD

Featuring Susan Kologi, PhD
Wednesday, June 21, 3 p.m. ET
As an educator, you know the challenges faced by your students affected by ADHD. They are distracted, impulsive, or hyperactive at some point during the school day and miss out on valuable learning experiences. You provide accommodations and modifications to help them be successful. Are there other options can you explore to help your students?
Join us for this free webinar just for educators as we discuss project-based learning, or PBL. This is alternative to traditional lectures allows students to be active in their learning. It gives students an opportunity to be curious and creative in completing a project, and can require higher energy levels. We’ll explore the characteristics and process for implementing PBL in your classroom and how to support students with ADHD in this type of a learning environment.
Join us for this free webinar just for educators as we discuss project-based learning, or PBL. This is alternative to traditional lectures allows students to be active in their learning. We’ll explore the characteristics and process for implementing PBL in your classroom and how to support students with ADHD in this type of a learning environment.