CHADD Public Policy Virtual Lunch & Learn

CHADD Public Policy Virtual Lunch & Learn

The CHADD Public Policy Lunch and Learn is a quarterly virtual event designed to educate legislators, congressional staff, agency representatives, and other relevant stakeholders about ADHD and the myriad issues related to ADHD.

Bring your own lunch and join us online for this event.

Upcoming Lunch and Learn: July 23, 12 ET PM

Topic: What Is ADHD? How It Affects Children and Adults
Featured Speaker Max Wiznitzer, MD, Co-Chair of CHADD’s Professional Advisory Board

Max Wiznitzer, MD, discusses the medical science of ADHD and how it is expressed in children and adults. ADHD impairs many aspects of life, and it is important that the public and policymakers have an understanding of the disorder when addressing laws and policies regarding ADHD and its treatment.

Max Wiznitzer

Max Wiznitzer, MD

Dr. Max Wiznitzer is a pediatric neurologist at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. He is a professor of pediatrics and neurology at Case Western Reserve University. He has a longstanding interest in neurodevelopmental disabilities, especially ADHD and autism, and has been involved in local, state, and national committees and initiatives, including autism treatment research, Ohio autism service guidelines, autism screening, and early identification of developmental disabilities. He is on the editorial board of Lancet Neurology and the Journal of Child Neurology and lectures about various neurodevelopmental disabilities to national and international audiences.

Learn more about ADHD before the lunch and learn:

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