
Managing ADHD Can Begin with Stress Awareness

April is National Stress Awareness Month—though the majority of individuals and families affected by ADHD are likely to tell you that every month can be stress awareness month. Stress—a state


What to Consider Before You Homeschool Your Child

…at home because it lessened school stress and offered a more flexible pace. For other students, though, learning from home meant less physical activity and staring at a screen for…


Study Shows Increase in Childhood ADHD Diagnosis Numbers

…nine children in the United States have ever had an ADHD diagnosis. It adds that 6.5 million children and teens have a current diagnosis of ADHD. These numbers represent an…


Managing ADHD Can Begin with Stress Awareness

April is National Stress Awareness Month—though the majority of individuals and families affected by ADHD are likely to tell you that every month can be stress awareness month. Stress—a state


Where Does ADHD Come From?

…or intensely negative social interactions), subjective feelings of stress (these cause all of to lose our best self, but the effect is more dramatic for people with ADHD), physical health…


ADHD and the Effects of COVID-19 on Health and Education

We crossed the two-year mark for the COVID-19 pandemic this March. Most US states have lifted all or most pandemic precautions. Following the surge from the omicron variant, hospitals and…


Feeling Stressed? It Can Make ADHD Symptoms Seem Worse

…yourself if there are ways to change the situation, or if the cause of the problem is because the situation reflects a poor match between what is required and your…


You Can Help Protect the Rights of Students with ADHD

…wants the White House and the Department of Justice to take action now so that the Department of Education can move forward and issue the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which…


Webinar for Professionals: Working with Latino Patients and Their Families

…general population, Latino children in the United States are less likely to be diagnosed and receive treatment. Psychiatrist Luke Smith will discuss important cultural considerations for professionals treating Latinos who…


Bias About ADHD Leaves Many Women with a Late Diagnosis

…among boys. With fewer girls receiving a diagnosis because they tend to have the predominantly inattentive presentation, many professionals fail to consider ADHD when those girls reach adulthood. Who can…


Study Shows Increase in Childhood ADHD Diagnosis Numbers

…nine children in the United States have ever had an ADHD diagnosis. It adds that 6.5 million children and teens have a current diagnosis of ADHD. These numbers represent an…


All Things ADHD: How to Improve the Educational Experience of African American Students with ADHD

…as the department chair for the department of curriculum and instruction at Howard University and as associate dean for research and development at Bowie State University in Maryland. Dr. Banks…

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