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Educational Program | Educator
Cheryl Gedzelman - Tutoring For Success
Contact Name Ms. Cheryl Gedzelman
Tutoring For Success provides professional home-based and online tutoring by a diverse collection of extremely competent and talented tutors. We offer tutoring for all subjects, including math, sciences, language arts, French and Spanish. Tutoring is tailored to each student's needs, including attention to organizational and study skills. We have tutors who are trained and experienced in test prep, primarily for the SAT and ACT, and tutors who specialize in working with students with special needs, such as ADHD, dyslexia, and executive functioning issues. We select and screen our tutors carefully and look for qualities such as intelligence, communication skills, integrity, and enthusiasm. All of our tutors have teaching or tutoring experience and a minimum of a college degree. One-to-one tutoring provides undivided attention from the same tutor every time. We serve students in MD, DC, and VA.
Additional Details
Category of Service Other
Licenses & Accreditations Business, A+ member of BBB
Years of Experience 27
Populations Served Children|Adolescents|Adults|Senior Citizens|Parents of Children w/ADHD
Provides Remote Support Yes
Accepts Health Insurance No
AcceptsMethod of Payment American Express|Check|Discover|MasterCard|Visa
Sliding Scale Payments No