Professional Directory
Private Practice | Counselor/Therapist
Patricia MacDonald, LCPC
Contact Name Patricia MacDonald, LCPC
My psychotherapy practice serves adults (18 and over) experiencing the challenges of AD/HD, anxiety, depression, anger, OCD, substance abuse, mood swings, fluctuating self esteem, and/or relationship issues. I offer screening, diagnosis and treatment for the individual, (working with the couple as needed,) to regain and maintain equilibrium. When indicated, I will recommend consultation for learning disability assessment, medical assessment, and medication management. I am a licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC); a Registered Nurse. I am currently providing services through virtual visits using a HIPAA compliant video platform.
Additional Details
Category of Service Treatment for adults with ADHD
Licenses & Accreditations Licensed in the State of Maine as an Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) and as an Registered Nurse (RN). Certified by National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC). Professional member of CHADD, Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA) and American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD).
Years of Experience 15
Populations Served Young Adults|Adults
Provides Remote Support Yes
Accepts Health Insurance Yes
AcceptsMethod of Payment PayPal|Cash|Check
Sliding Scale Payments Yes