A Randomized Controlled Intervention Study to Assess a Wearable Digital Therapy for Youth with ADHD


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End Date June 30, 2023

Primary Contact Lindsay Ayearst

Email lindsay.ayearst@dtx-research.com

Study Details

Is your child…

  • between the ages of 8-12 years old?
  • diagnosed with ADHD, but not taking ADHD medication (or has been off it for at least 30 days)?
  • attending in-person classroom learning in the United States?

If you answered YES to all of the above, you’re invited to participate in an online research study being conducted by DTX Research!

What is the study about?

The purpose of the study is to evaluate and compare three different wearable digital interventions to determine if they are helpful for improving focus and attention in children with ADHD.

What will I be asked to do?

  • Your child will be asked to wear the device to school Monday to Friday for 4 weeks (20 days).
  • You will be asked to complete questionnaires about your child’s behavior, once at the start of the study (before wearing the device) and again after the child has worn the device for the 4-week period.
  • You will be asked to invite your child’s teacher, who will also complete a set of questionnaires. Teachers will be compensated for their time and effort with an Amazon.com Gift Card.

Why Participate?

  • By taking part in the study, you will be helping to determine which, if any, versions of a wearable digital intervention may be useful for children, like yours, with a diagnosis of ADHD.
  • If this research is successful, it will provide a basis for larger studies in the future, which could ultimately lead to a non-medication treatment for symptoms of ADHD.
  • You will also earn a $125 Amazon.com Gift Card.