Impact of Education and Assistive Technologies on Lifelong Learning and Career Security for People with ADHD
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End Date April 15, 2023
Primary Contact Haniya Sarfraz
Study Details
The purpose of this study is to evaluate what types of education and assistive technologies help develop Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (K.S.A) for lifelong learning to achieve career security in young adults with ADHD and based on this, determining which technology types are best for commercialization in formal education. This study is for the researcher’s master dissertation at the University of Cambridge.
Who Can Participate?
- Anyone who has experience of ADHD and its effect on education and/or career security.
- The person is 18 years old or older.
The study needs participants from two age groups:
- 18-25 year olds
- 26-69 year olds
Interview Structure
- A structured interview where you receive all the questions beforehand.
- The interview is on Zoom and will last for 20 to 60 minutes.
Participation Benefit
All participants will receive a $10 Amazon gift card.