ADHD Weekly 2017-06-08

Are You a Multitasker?
Join the discussion. Do you think you’re good at multitasking? Researchers say humans can’t really “multitask.” Instead, what we are actually doing is “task switching.” We may be making the switch rapidly among several tasks but our brains, even those brains affected by ADHD, can only process one thought or task at a time. A…

ADHD & Driving? Research Points to Meds
When we first learn to drive, we pay attention to every little detail-staying in the lane, how much pressure we need on the gas or the brake pedal, the drivers around us, using our turn signals. Once we have enough practice, we tend to not think deliberately of each of these actions. The unconscious part…

Ask the Expert Educators Edition: Project-Based Learning and ADHD
Featuring Susan Kologi, PhD Wednesday, June 21, 3 p.m. ET Register Now As an educator, you know the challenges faced by your students affected by ADHD. They are distracted, impulsive, or hyperactive at some point during the school day and miss out on valuable learning experiences. You provide accommodations and modifications to help them be…