ADHD Weekly 2017-12-07

Q&A: What Does the Babysitter Need to Know About ADHD?
Join the discussion. Question: I’ve recently been hired to babysit a child after school. My new kiddo has been diagnosed with ADHD. I don’t know very much about taking care of a child who has ADHD and I’m not sure what I actually need to know. Health Information Specialist: It’s important that all the adults…

What To Do When Your Child is Bullied
Video: What To Do When Your Child With ADHD Is Bullied Watch Now Is your child being bullied? Or does he know of a friend who is being bullied–or is the bully? Children affected by ADHD often get caught up in bullying situations and need adults’ help in bringing an end to the problem. Children…

How Can You Manage Holiday Gift-Giving?
Join the discussion. In happens every December, and can even begin in November. You go shopping for the holidays. Online. In stores. In malls. Then your credit card bill arrives in January. Oh. My. Gosh. Meantime, some recipients of your “generosity” are left with stuff. Things they may not need or want, too many things.…