ADHD Weekly, April 21, 2022

Could a Body Double Help You Increase Your Productivity?
If you struggle with procrastination, you are not alone. Many adults with ADHD have trouble staying focused long enough to complete boring or repetitive tasks. Others experience difficulties with getting started on tasks, managing time, and staying organized. Body doubling is a tool some adults use to help them start and complete projects. Sometimes referred…

Turning to Watch Can Release Neurotransmitters for Attention
Why do many people who have ADHD consider themselves “visual learners”? For them, watching the lesson and maybe viewing it more than once, rather than reading or hearing an explanation, helps them to better absorb the information or repeat the new task. Researchers at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio think they…

Podcast: Will ADHD Symptoms Improve with Marijuana Use?
All Things ADHD Podcast: Will ADHD Symptoms Improve with Marijuana Use? Featuring L. Eugene Arnold, MD, MEd, and Margaret Sibley, PhD People report that marijuana use helps improve their ADHD symptoms. But does it really help? Or does it mask a person’s ability to care about their problems rather than work to solve them? What…