ADHD Weekly, August 6, 2020

More Older Adults Receiving a New ADHD Diagnosis
An estimated 3% of older adults have a diagnosis of ADHD, although the number may be higher. Researchers estimate about 5-7% of adults in the United States currently have ADHD. What has been of note to researchers and treatment professionals, though, is the steady increase in adults near and into retirement age who are receiving…

Make Plans for Your Child’s Education Now
If your child currently has an IEP or 504 plan, now is the time to be in touch with the education team regarding those academic accommodations. Schools are releasing their plans on how students will be educated for the fall semester. Many schools are still working out how to provide academic support to students with…

Free Webinar: Helping Your Teen Transition from High School to College, Career
Ask the Expert “Off You Go!” Helping Your Teen Navigate the Transition from High School to the Next Chapter Featuring Sharon Saline, PsyD Wednesday, August 19 | 7:30 PM-9:00 PM EDT Are you and your teen struggling with the pressure and anxiety that comes with being ready to launch into life after high school? It…