ADHD Weekly, January 31, 2019

Fidget Toys and ADHD: Still Paying Attention?
Has the fidget spinner fad finally passed? It’s been more than a year and a half since the gizmos caught our collective attention. They seemed to be everywhere and in every little hand, and then poof! not a spinner to be seen. Fidget spinners were intensely popular in ADHD circles, promising to help increase attention…

Down the Rabbit Hole: The Internet, Social Media, and ADHD
I’m just going to look up one thing online—I need to know where Johnny Cash was born, you tell yourself. Before you know it, half an hour has passed and Johnny Cash’s birthplace is a distant memory. You got sidetracked by the link to the Country Music Hall of Fame, whose page mentions a 1959…

Learn to ‘See’ Time Better to Get More Done
Adult to Adult: Understanding and Applying the Science of Time Management Featuring Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA Thursday, February 7, 2019, 2 p.m. ET Join us for our Adult to Adult Webinar on time management. We will explore the science of time awareness and time management through the lens of ADHD. Together we’ll uncover the reasons…