ADHD Weekly, July 21, 2022

Irritable and Overwhelmed? Signs of Parental Burnout

You’re not just feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or irritable. You may be experiencing signs of parental burnout. Parenting children with ADHD and other health conditions can cause increased stress. Job pressures, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and rising prices from inflation create additional strain, causing many parents to struggle with managing day-to-day responsibilities. Working mothers especially are…

Pesticides Could Play a Role for Some People with ADHD

Do pesticides cause ADHD in some children, especially those without a family history of the disorder? A growing body of literature suggests they could be involved. Pesticides and insecticides are used in fields to eliminate the various bugs that would otherwise eat the plants and damage or destroy fruits, vegetables, or grains. The most common…

Webinar: Parenting a Defiant Child: Won’t? Or Can’t?

Ask the Expert Highlight Parenting a Defiant Child: Won’t? Or Can’t? Featuring Sarah Wayland, PhD It can be a frustrating experience when your child who has ADHD fails to follow through on a reasonable request. But it isn’t always that your child is defying your authority or acting in a manipulative way. Sometimes it’s because…