October 5, 2023

Moving Forward with ADHD Awareness
October is ADHD Awareness Month. CHADD is working with partners in the ADHD Awareness Month Coalition to educate people on the facts of ADHD—symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment—and to move the conversation on ADHD forward from the basics to the successes of those living with the condition. Why is ADHD awareness important? Comprised of CHADD, the…

Feeling Stressed? It Can Make ADHD Symptoms Seem Worse
Many people claim that daily stress can make their ADHD symptoms seem worse. They often don’t know that research agrees with them, that stress can impair executive function along with ADHD. So what can you do to decrease stress and improve your symptoms?

Webinar: Video Games and ADHD: Harmful or Helpful?
Midwest CHADD Regional Center Webinar: Video Games and ADHD: Harmful or Helpful? Featuring Randy Kulman, PhD Randy Kulman, PhD, explores how kids with ADHD are affected by their video game play. He examines how and why video games can become overly engaging for children who have ADHD yet at the same time present opportunities for…