ADHD in the News & Weekly

ADHD in the News 2022-02-24

February 24, 2022

Children’s Mental Health: Understanding an Ongoing Public Health Concern

A.D.H.D. Can Strain Relationships. Here’s How Couples Cope.

Mental disorders generally lower in immigrant/refugee vs. nonimmigrant youths


ADHD Weekly, February 17, 2022

February 17, 2022

What Parents Should Know Before Contacting an Online ADHD Provider

Plan an Educational Accommodations Meeting as Learning Situations Change

Black History Month Playlist: ADHD and Black Culture


ADHD in the News 2022-02-17

February 17, 2022

Higher Risk of Mortality With Autism, ADHD

Iron Deficiency in Mothers With Crohn’s Disease Could Lead to ADHD in Offspring

ADHD and Dyslexia: Living Well With a Double Diagnosis


ADHD in the News 2022-02-10

February 11, 2022

MRI Scans Show Few Brain Differences in Children with ADHD

Behavioral treatments for ADHD: For which children do they work?

Ohio’s child behavioral health system is at a ‘breaking point’


ADHD Weekly, February 3, 2022

February 3, 2022

Improving the Health and Wellness of Black Americans with ADHD

Plan Ahead to Avoid Prescription Challenges

Webinars: Building Healthy Relationships & Motivating Teens with ADHD


ADHD in the News 2022-02-03

February 3, 2022

Building social capital is critical for strong relationships. ADHD can get in the way.

Getting an ADHD diagnosis has gotten easier online. Is that a good thing?

Instagram and TikTok pull ads from startup Cerebral linking ADHD to obesity


ADHD in the News 2022-01-27

January 27, 2022

Maternal eating disorders increase risk for ADHD, autism spectrum disorders in offspring

Maternal intake of sweetened carbonated beverages may be associated with children’s ADHD symptoms

Beth Krone, PhD: The Link Between ADHD and Asthma


ADHD in the News 2022-01-20

January 20, 2022

How COVID-19 Increases Challenges for Youth with ADHD

ADHD, Infections, and the Immune System

Helicopter Parenting & Adolescents With ADHD: Associations and Conclusions


January 20, 2022

January 20, 2022

Pursuing Your Passion or Purpose When You Have ADHD

ADHD Benefits in the Workplace

Podcast Highlight: ADHD and Working from Home


ADHD in the News 2022-01-13

January 13, 2022

Detecting attention deficit disorder more accurately

ADHD Linked to Worse COVID-19 Outcomes

Tracking stress in pregnant moms, for their children’s health


ADHD Weekly, January 6, 2022

January 6, 2022

Find Your Theme or Dream for the Year

Prioritize Your Sleep for Good Health

Upcoming Webinars for Adults: Live in the Present | Live in Harmony


ADHD in the News 2022-01-06

January 6, 2022

‘Few-Foods’ Diet Could Be Recipe for Easing ADHD Symptoms

Visuals increase attention; now science explains why

Study: No link between head impacts in youth football and brain, behavior issues

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