ADHD in the News

ADHD in the News 2021-11-11

November 12, 2021

From Day 1: ADHD and Comorbid Conditions

Children with ADHD and Reward-Related Dysfunctions: The Impact of Oppositional and Callous-Unemotional Symptoms

New Treatment Option for ADHD: Unique Pharmacokinetic Profile and Range of Dosing Options


ADHD in the News 2021-10-28

October 28, 2021

ADHD the Focus of International Conference Hosted by CHADD, ADDA, and ACO

National Emergency Declared for Children’s Mental Health

Is ADHD a neurological disorder?


ADHD in the News 2021-10-21

October 21, 2021

Most Kids Newly Diagnosed With ADHD Aren’t Getting Best Care

Signs to evaluate a child for ADHD

What to know about ADHD and suicidal thoughts


ADHD in the News 2021-10-14

October 14, 2021

Smartphone app to track ADHD symptoms, behavior in people with neurodevelopmental conditions

My child won’t sit still! Is it ADHD, or an underlying sleep disorder?

More Attention Should be Paid to Immigrant Children With ADHD


ADHD in the News 2021-10-07

October 7, 2021

ADHD Awareness Month: Advocates urge residents to learn more about the condition

ADHD Brain Training: Can ‘Exercising’ Your Brain Help with Attention and Focus?

Finding the Best ADHD Boarding Schools


ADHD in the News 2021-09-30

September 30, 2021

ADHD and impulsivity: New potential targets to approach the treatment for neuropsychiatric disorders

Adults with ADHD: When You’re Super Sensitive to Rejection

Coping After COVID: Challenging Circumstances for ADHD Patients


ADHD in the News 2021-09-23

September 23, 2021

Researchers report six stages of engagement in treatment of ADHD

Navigating the Journey of Parenting a Child with ADHD

Could Childhood ADHD Have Its Roots in Perinatal Autoimmune Disorders?


ADHD in the News 2021-09-16

September 16, 2021

Is It a Typical Tantrum or a Sign of ADHD?

Misophonia, Noise Sensitivity, and ADHD: What’s the Connection?

What You Can Do When Your Child’s ADHD And Defiance Makes You Want To Yell


ADHD in the News 2021-09-09

September 9, 2021

Amino Acid Profile Differentiation Detected Among Children With ADHD

Link Discovered Between ADHD and Dementia Across Generations

ADHD and obesity are linked through genetics and pregnancy weight, study finds


ADHD in the News 2021-09-02

September 2, 2021

Medication adherence in adolescents may improve cognitive test scores, ADHD

Maternal grandmothers’ prepregnancy BMI may impact grandkids’ risk for ADHD

Lisdexamfetamine Reduces Symptoms of Cognitive Sluggishness in Adult Patients With ADHD


ADHD in the News 2021-08-26

August 26, 2021

Attention Deficit Rates Skyrocket in High School. Mentoring Could Prevent an Academic Freefall

Half of adults with ADHD have had a substance use disorder

Activists with ADHD push for a world more friendly to those with the disorder


ADHD in the News 2021-08-19

August 19, 2021

Only 1 in 10 Kids With ADHD Will Outgrow It

No Worse Outcomes Seen for Kids Exposed to Prenatal Antipsychotics

ADHD and Memory: What to Know

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