ADHD2025 Online • Connect. Learn. Thrive. March 7–8 • Register Now! 

2018 Conference Registration Is Open!

guest blog by Linda S. Ellis, PhD, Conference Co-Chair

Early bird registration is open!

That means NOW is your chance to get the best rates for what promises to be the largest ADHD gathering of the year. And here’s what I can tell you about the 2018 Annual International Conference on ADHD.

First of all, we will be in St. Louis, and we are planning some social and cultural events that will take advantage of all that St. Louis has to offer.

Next, we have greatly expanded the scope of the conference. For those of you who have attended a CHADD or ADDA conference in the past, the merger of these two groups and the addition of the ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO) has given us loads of opportunities to expand and enhance the conference experience for everyone.

We’re keeping the Thursday sessions that we always offer to folks who need continuing education credits, but this year the sessions offer more flexibility and a wider range of topics. As always, Friday and Saturday will be for breakout sessions—but we’re also including panels, Q & A sessions, consultations, and opportunities for like-minded groups to get to know each other.

You will want to be present for the plenary sessions to hear the outstanding keynote speakers we have selected. Here’s the lineup:

LeDerick Horne will help us open the conference with the Thursday evening keynote. Diagnosed with a learning disability in the third grade, he subsequently earned a BA in mathematics. A tireless advocate for all people with disabilities, he is an inspiring motivational speaker.

Russell A. Barkley, PhD, a clinical professor of psychiatry, is well known and admired within the ADHD community. He has published 23 books and more than 270 scientific articles and book chapters related to the nature, assessment and treatment of ADHD and related disorders. Dr. Barkley will be the keynote speaker Friday morning.

Eduardo Briceño is the cofounder and CEO of Mindset Works, the leading provider of growth mindset training and resources. He started Mindset Works in 2007 with Carol Dweck, PhD, and Lisa Blackwell, PhD, to help people, organizations, and communities develop learning-oriented beliefs, cultures, and systems. Dr. Briceno will speak on Saturday morning.

Jessica McCabe will bring the conference to a close on Sunday morning. Jessica is the creator and host of How to ADHD, a YouTube series committed to educating and supporting ADHD brains around the world.

So here’s just enough to give you a hint of what we have in store for you during the 2018 International Conference on ADHD. Watch for further developments… we hope to see you there!

Learn more and register today!

Promotional codes and discounts are available through your membership organization—CHADDADDA, or ACO.


  1. Anna-Bre T. Cramer on October 7, 2019 at 8:43 am


    I am a new member looking for the code that will give us the discount as CHADD members.

    ALSO! I’d like to ask if there are scholarships or grants available. I am a newly retired educator and money is tight.

    I am newly diagnosed, and mad to learn all I can. Which I now find is a shared trait….

    Lol! Thanks

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