Unmasking Diversity with Pride: CHADD’s Commitment to Inclusivity

As Pride Month unfolds, CHADD is all about celebrating the power of unmasking and embracing who you are. This month, we’re honoring the rich history, achievements, and resilience of the LGBTQIA+ community, and shining a light on the diverse identities within our neurodivergent community. Join us in celebrating the beauty of being your authentic self and the empowerment that comes from inclusivity and acceptance.

At CHADD, we know that living with ADHD presents unique challenges, often compounded by societal biases for members who are also part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Research shows a strong overlap between neurodivergence and the LGBTQIA+ community. For example, a 2021 University of Cambridge study found that autistic individuals are about eight times more likely to identify as LGBTQIA+ than their neurotypical peers. Similar trends are seen with ADHD, emphasizing the need for safe, inclusive spaces.

It is often in these safe spaces that people first feel secure enough to unmask, learning to live as their authentic selves with pride. Our chapters across the country, both in-person and virtual, create welcoming spaces for building community. CHADD’s peer support groups [https://chadd.org/affiliate-locator/] help individuals with ADHD and AuDHD to feel less alone, learn, grow, and share their experiences without fear of judgment. Our education programs and peer support meetings are designed to be welcoming environments where all members can share their experiences, feel seen, and learn to live their best lives without fear of judgment.

CHADD proudly supports the rights and dignity of our LGBTQIA+ members. Our mission to enhance the lives of people affected by ADHD is also inherently inclusive. By advocating for policies that uplift marginalized communities, we are working toward a future where everyone can thrive. You can read more about CHADD’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in a previous blog entry.

Together with our partners and members, we are committed to fostering a world where inclusivity and belonging lead our advocacy, creating a supportive environment where every individual feels seen, heard, and valued.

Happy PRIDE! Unmask, be proud, and celebrate who you are!

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