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Attention Magazine April 2001
Gee Whiz, I Missed it Again: Improving Time Management Skills
Arthur L. Robin PhD
Adults with ADHD often experience significant problems with time management. This article presents ten steps for learning how to use a day-planner.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Children with ADHD
Janet Bendann
In January 2001, the Social Security Administration updated rules for determining disability eligibility in children. This article provides an overview of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and the new rule that may be particularly relevant to children with ADHD. It includes information about financial and medical eligibility criteria, how to obtain evidence about the child’s impairment, and how to apply for SSI.
Selecting a Residential Treatment Center for Your Child
Peg Nichols
This article considers the most important issues for families seeking residential services for a young child. The author explains how to know if the child needs residential care, how to look for a residential placement, what criteria to use in evaluating a residential treatment center, and how to finance the center. The article also covers the issue of program credentials and standards for residential treatment centers, as well as what parents need to know about restraint and seclusion.
Legislation Concerning Psychiatric Medications for Children: 29 States to Consider
E. Clarke Ross
This brief article discusses legislation enacted or introduced in state legislatures to regulate psychiatric medications for children.
Separation Concerns and Summer Camp
Regina Skyer
This brief article provides tips to parents to help their children cope with separation concerns when attending summer camp.
El Déficit de Atención y las Funciones Ejecutivas: Pertinencia de una Nueva Teoría a Niños Hispanos
Jose J. Bauermeister PhD
Este articulo describen la relación de el TDA/H con las funciones ejecutivas. El TDA/H entorpece las funciones ejecutivas, que son actividades mentales complejas necesarias para regularizar el comportamiento necesario para alcanzar metas.