Does Your Child Need a New ADHD Evaluation?
As your young teen looks forward to high school, have you considered when might be a good time for a new evaluation for ADHD?
Children diagnosed in elementary school, especially during the first years, could benefit from a new ADHD evaluation. Symptom levels can change over the years and co-occurring conditions can either develop or become clinically diagnosable. Academic accommodations can better meet the needs of the student with an up-to-date diagnosis.
Many children affected by ADHD are cared for by a pediatrician first. Switching to a specialist in adolescent ADHD can make a difference in treatment as children become teens and young adults. CHADD maintains a Resource Directory and listing of Hospitals and University clinical programs to help parents and adults find professionals who treat ADHD.
Medical reasons for a new evaluation:
- To confirm your child still meets the clinical diagnosis of ADHD
- To confirm or change which presentation of ADHD the child has (Predominantly Hyperactive, Predominantly Inattentive or Combined Presentation)
- To modify a treatment plan so it best meets the your child’s needs
- To uncover a co-existing condition or measure how a co-occurring condition is affected by ADHD
Academic reasons for a new evaluation:
- To apply for or modify your child’s academic plan
- To apply for standardized testing accommodations
- To apply for college accommodations. Most college and university educational centers require an evaluation conducted within the previous three to five years before providing services on campus.
If you have questions about a new evaluation or where to look for a specialist, start with your child’s current health care provider. To read about an evaluation for ADHD visit Comprehensive Assessment.