Helping Your Students Overcome Inattention

Featuring Sydney Zentall, PhD
Your students affected by ADHD struggle with inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. You can help them cope with these symptoms by creating adjustments to your classroom. During this free Ask the Expert highlight, you can learn strategies and suggestions for tailoring the ideas to your students, regardless of the grade level you teach.
Sydney Zentall, PhD, is a professor emerita of Educational Studies at Purdue University. She is a national and international educational expert in the area of ADHD. Her background experiences teaching children include both general and special education, and she has over three decades of experience educating teachers. Dr. Zentall has also been the recipient of grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and from the Office of Special Education, and she is past president of the Division for Research of the Council for Exceptional Children.
Your students affected by ADHD struggle with inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. You can help them cope with these symptoms by creating adjustments to your classroom. During this free Ask the Expert highlight, you can learn strategies and suggestions for tailoring the ideas to your students, regardless of the grade level you teach. Keep reading to watch this free webinar.