Life After High School: Webinar

 ADHD Weekly, February 28, 2019

CHADD Webinars

Emerging Young Adults:

Preparing for Life After High School

Featuring Judith Bass, CEP
Thursday March 7, 2 p.m., ET

Graduation from high school is only the beginning of the next adventure. There are many options for the young adult transitioning from high school to career, job placement, and higher education. But where to begin this journey?

Our presenter offers guidance to parents, older teens, and young adults on how they can create a seamless transition into an independent life following high school. Join us to learn more about the options available for young adults with ADHD, including practical strategies to build independence and self-advocacy skills.

Judith S. Bass, CEP, is an internationally recognized expert in the field of college placement for students who learn differently. For the past 19 years, Ms. Bass has provided comprehensive college and post-secondary planning for students with learning differences. Ms. Bass is the current chair of the Commission on Credentialing for AICEP and is a past board member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association. Ms. Bass is a contributing author in the recently published book, Navigating the Transition from High School to College for Students with Disabilities.