Awkward in Social Situations? Ten Tips to Help

Awkward in Social Situations?

What does “feeling awkward” in social situations mean to you? It may mean that you avoid direct eye contact, hesitate to initiate a conversation, feel uncomfortable in your own skin, or question every move you make. Do you find that your anxiety is palpable as you latch onto one friend and wish for the social…

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Routines for Times of Uncertainty

Routines for Times of Uncertainty

Establishing and maintaining routines can be difficult for individuals with ADHD. They are also especially prone to being thrown off easily by deviations from routine, and often experience increased trouble getting back on task. While everyone’s experience with ADHD is not the same, it is probably safe to say that many people—whether they have ADHD…

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How to Help College and Grad Students Stay on Top of their Game

How to Help College and Grad Students Stay on Top of their Game

Do you have a daughter or son who is away at college or graduate school? Do you feel powerless to help them with organizational strategies because they may be reluctant to accept your advice? If they were receiving supports in high school, they should not be going it alone in college. There are many ways…

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ADHD and Divorce

ADHD and Divorce

How to Create a Co-Parenting Arrangement with More Ease and Less Conflict If you’ve made THE TOUGH DECISION to separate from and/or divorce your partner, you know that, in terms of raising your kids, you are still deeply connected. Research has found that families living with ADHD deal with higher levels of conflict than other parents…

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Peer Support for Retirees with ADHD

Peer Support for Retirees with ADHD

Among the innovative programs that participated in the 2021 Virtual International Conference on ADHD was a peer support group that focuses on the needs of retirees with ADHD. Known as the ADHD Retired Persons Weekly Check-In Group, its participants meet every Tuesday at noon (Eastern Time). The meetings are scheduled for ninety minutes, though they…

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Key Challenges for Youth with ADHD During the Pandemic

Key Challenges for Youth with ADHD During the Pandemic

What have researchers learned about the key challenges for youth with ADHD during the pandemic? In this update on recent research, the first study focused on the top problems for adolescents and young adults with ADHD. The concerns that came up the most were social isolation, problems with remote learning engagement, difficulties with motivation, and…

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What Does It Take to Become an Adult?

The adult world is often more difficult to enter and navigate for those with ADHD. That’s because the process of adulting requires planning, time management, organizing, sticking to boring tasks, and other executive functioning skills. If that isn’t tough enough, then add a global pandemic to the struggle. Yes, during the past few years, unemployment…

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What the Pandemic Taught Us About Students with ADHD

A NUMBER OF PARENTS have remarked to me that as a result of being stuck in the same space as their school-aged children for several months, they have come to the conclusion that their kids have ADHD. My first reaction is to grin as I think to myself, “Not so easy, is it?” But then I…

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Challenges in ADHD Care for Children of Color

Melvin Bogard, MA, interviews Roberto Olivardia, PhD Children of color who have ADHD often experience barriers to receiving mental health care. Stigma regarding ADHD persists and prevents many of these children from receiving the supports they need. It is critically important for educators and healthcare professionals to be transcultural when providing care and education. And…

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2021 CHADD Awards

Attention Magazine December 2021

During the Virtual International Conference on ADHD in November, CHADD presented the following awards in addition to the Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Maureen Gill (see Attention’s October 2021 issue, page 36). Congratulations to all, along with deep gratitude for their dedication to people affected by ADHD. Hall of Fame Award Rick Green Graduating with…

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Those Lovely ‘Mones: The Intersection of ADHD and Hormones

There has been much discussion lately about the relationship between hormones and ADHD symptoms. The key word here is “discussion” rather than “knowledge.” There are a few tantalizing scientific studies that link hormones with neural connectivity in the ADHD brain and subsequent ADHD symptoms. Their precise influence and mechanisms of action are mostly mysteries yet…

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Making Things Easier with Tiny Habits

It’s Thursday night, and the kitchen is a mess. On the edge of the sink, though, is my newest simplification tactic: a box of pre-soaped dishrags. Opening the box, I take one out. Huh. It’s smaller than I expected. I don’t like the smell or the feel. I skeptically eye the sink full of knives…

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