Young Scientist Research Awards Announced

Attention October 2023

CHADD is excited to announce that Zoe R. Smith, PhD, and Jess N. Smith, MS, are the recipients of the 2023 Young Scientist Research Awards. Every year this program attracts stellar candidates conducting research on a wide array of topics in ADHD. Applicants select an example of their research for review. Postdoctoral awardee Zoe Smith…

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ADHD and Stigma: Research Briefs

ADHD and Stigma

What does the current research show about stigma and ADHD? This research update reviews two recent studies examining stigma surrounding individuals with ADHD. Stigma can include public stigma and internalized stigma. Public stigma involves the negative perceptions of society. Internalized stigma involves an individual internalizing, or taking on within themselves, public stigma. The first study…

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Are You a People Pleaser?

Are You a People Pleaser?

Does loneliness cause adults and teenagers with ADHD to people please? Sadly, often the answer is yes. For many of us with ADHD, years of rejection, friendship struggles and generally feeling lonely or misunderstood often affects how we approach making new friends. We worry about things like: Should I say no to the one person…

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ATOM: Advanced Tools for Organization Management

ATOM-Advanced Tools for Organization Management

A 2021 recipient of CHADD’s Young Scientist Research Award, Melissa Dvorsky, PhD, MS, has been drawing upon mobile technology to develop and pilot a program that incorporates tools designed to help middle and high schoolers with ADHD. Known as ATOM—Advanced Tools for Organization—the program is specifically designed to teach students with attentional and organization difficulties…

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ADHD Medication Shortages: What to Know and Do

IN RECENT YEARS, many new stimulant medications have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of ADHD. These new formulations vary in their duration of benefit, and many offer new ways that the medication is administered or “delivered.” Although this expanded range of stimulant medication options has been a significant…

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What I Learned from Interviewing 24 Men with Inattentive ADHD

Inattentive ADHD in boys and men is rarely mentioned, but it does exist. When it goes undiagnosed and untreated, it causes great emotional, social, and often physical harm. The earlier a child’s inattentive ADHD is recognized, the less difficult the child’s life will be. Only six of the twenty-four men I interviewed were diagnosed before…

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Who’s On Your Child’s Team? OTs Empower Students with ADHD

Students with ADHD in the Classroom

Occupational Therapists Empower Students with ADHD in the Classroom Students with ADHD often require a variety of individualized supports within the school system to be able to access their education. School-based occupational therapy (OT) is a highly effective school-based support service for students with ADHD. However, it is often underutilized in schools due to a…

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Can You Really Multitask?

Can You Really Multitask

Doing Too Much at Once Is Less Productive Are you still trying to multitask? Despite popular belief, we humans can’t really multitask. Instead, what we are actually doing is “task switching.” We may be making the switch rapidly among several tasks, but our brains, even those brains affected by ADHD, can only process one thought…

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How My Journey Through Life Is Helping Kids with ADHD

How My Journey Through Life Is Helping Kids with ADHD

The founding of the CSAHM Foundation for ADHD Educational Services and Support in 2020 was the culmination of obstacles overcome, mysteries solved, and dreams realized in my life. The foundation represents an exciting new chapter in a remarkable journey that has come full circle, both personally and professionally. From decades of frustration to relief and…

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When ADHD and Anxiety Coexist

When ADHD and Anxiety Coexist

For many individuals, ADHD AND ANXIETY go hand in hand. The anxiety often comes from worry about performing, about forgetting things, about missing appointments, not following through on plans, and making careless errors to name a few triggers. But could it be that it’s not just ADHD. Up to twenty-five percent of people with ADHD also…

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ADHD in the Classroom: Simple Strategies & Principles

ADHD in the Classroom

HAVE YOU EVER WRITTEN OR RECEIVED EMAILS LIKE THESE? It can be difficult for teachers and other educators to know how to best support the kids with ADHD in their classroom. Helping these students to succeed can be particularly challenging, because there is only so much individualized attention that one teacher can give a student.…

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Navigating AI Responsibly

Navigating AI Responsibly

Ten Ways to Empower Students with ADHD in the Digital Age School is tough for many students, but for those with ADHD, it’s especially challenging. Concentrating, managing time, staying organized, and completing assignments independently can make school downright taxing. Enter ChatGPT, a powerful tool that can make it easier for kids to keep on top of…

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