Volunteering for CHADD

CHADD’s dedicated volunteers are crucial to our mission, offering evidence-based ADHD education and peer support to parents of children with ADHD, adults with ADHD, educators of students with ADHD, and professionals who serve the ADHD community. If you're ready to make a difference, there are so many ways to get involved. You can volunteer in an existing chapter near you, express interest in starting a new chapter where one doesn't exist, or raise your hand to start a new support group to better serve the community. At the national level, opportunities include serving on various committees, our board of directors, or our professional advisory board. Each role helps expand our impact and achieve our mission of supporting individuals affected by ADHD.


Volunteer With Your Local CHADD Chapter

Please visit our Chapter Locator and contact your local CHADD chapter to express interest in volunteering.

Adults peer support group 1K

Start a Chapter

Considering starting a CHADD group in your community? CHADD chapters and meetings across the country bring locals together to share evidence-based ADHD education, peer support opportunities, and resources. If you’d like to introduce CHADD to your community, we’d love to talk to you!

Right now, we’re refining and updating our chapter and support group creation process as well as our volunteer onboarding to ensure you have the best experience possible. Please complete our Express Interest form and we'll reach out to you this fall when we resume the creation of new chapters and groups.

In the meantime, we recommend visiting meetings hosted by our existing CHADD chapters. By experiencing the variety of meeting formats and observing how they’re conducted, you'll gain valuable insights to prepare you for launching your own chapter or support group. Visit our chapter locator to discover chapters hosting virtual meetings. You can also find many of our chapters that are hosting virtual meetings on Meetup.

Are you a Chapter Coordinator?

Log in to our Chapter Portal to check your email, administer your local website, or find materials to share with your community.


Become a Parent to Parent Teacher

Please visit the Parent to Parent section of our website to find upcoming trainings to become a certified teacher. If nothing is listed, we currently do not have upcoming trainings.


Work on a National Committee

To express your interest in applying to a national committee, please contact us at Customer_Service@CHADD.org. In your email, let us know what committee(s) interests you and what skills/expertise you can offer.

Participate in a Study

Join researchers near you in in developing diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.