
Adapting Positive Behavior Interventions for Children with ADHD

…opportunities when punishment is used struggle to understand what is expected of them if rules or expectations are not made explicit Positive behavior strategies: work well for children with ADHD…


Keeping Organized Goes Beyond a Task List

…trouble remembering and keeping tracks of tasks you need to complete? Has anyone ever suggested you use an electronic task list or make a list on paper? Have you tried…


Midyear Reboot: Five Strategies for Building Effective Habits

…It’s this capacity to pivot that encourages us to keep going and keep growing. You’ll want to use strength-based thinking, meaningful incentives, and practical routines instead of punishment and ‘because


Chapter Application

(use the CHADD sample provided here or create your own): Visit with and share flyers / meeting information with: Local professional offices Local schools / colleges / universities Local religious…


Can You Really Multitask?

…media, and electronic devices, bringing us more and more information. With the ability to access email or answer a work phone number from anywhere, the lines between home life and…


College Planning for Students with ADHD

…her state’s flagship university, they were ecstatic. All of their hard work had paid off. As a parent of a high school student who has ADHD, you are likely excited…


Why I Volunteer

…imagine a choir of angels singing here, because that one phone call changed my life forever. It changed my son’s life. Honestly, it changed the life of every person currently…


ADHD, Self-Harm, and Suicide

…suicide, according to the American Association of Suicidology ( ● Thoughts about suicide (especially expressing or communicating threatening or wanting to hurt himself or herself) ● Substance use/abuse ● Purposelessness…


Leading Students from Supported Instruction to Responsible Independence

ADHD NEWSSTAND FOR EDUCATORS Title by author content contents marketplace Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)CHADD does not endorse products, services, publications, medications, or treatments, including those advertised in…


Everything I Know I Learned in Kindergarten

use colored Unifix cubes on their fingers to show what they know. ● Use music and movement to involve students in learning new ideas and procedures. 2. Remember the awe…


Finance and Audit Committee

…at The Ohio State University Michael E. Moritz College of Law, which provides workshops to law students on building self-awareness and addressing time management, stress, and anxiety. He first became…


ADHD: Health, Education, and Wealth: A Racial Justice Approach

…belong. That somewhere else is a place for them. Yet what a mixed message from society, because it’s not true. Because we don’t just go to school for knowledge and…

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