I Can’t Stop Thinking About It

Many people with ADHD express frustration with the frequency and depth of negative and intrusive thoughts. These thoughts can be painful, and they may grow and grow until they affect daily life. Dwelling on such thoughts increases anxiety, depression, and restlessness—often causing you to make poor choices, incorrectly read the room, misinterpret social cues, and…

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Your Lifestyle Will Determine Your Future

If you’re an adult with ADHD (or the parent or spouse of one), you’re probably all too familiar with the challenges of those with this diagnosis. You may also be aware of the ways that impulsiveness, motor restlessness, inattention, and executive functioning difficulties can impact lifestyle and health. Decades of research on ADHD have moved…

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Would an ADHD Coach Make Sense for Me?

If you’re an adult with undiagnosed ADHD, chances are good you’ve always known it. Or at least you’ve had a pretty good idea that you were somehow different. You know you think about things differently, and you do things differently. Back in the day, school seemed harder for you, but in funny ways. You breezed…

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Evidence-Based Coaching for Adults with ADHD

As a professional dedicated to helping adults with ADHD succeed in their lives, I am regularly on the alert for research-informed approaches that will benefit my clients. Curious to discover what a growing number of studies examining ADHD coaching might reveal, I joined colleagues Elizabeth Ahmann, Micah Saviet, and Sarah D. Wright in undertaking a…

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Pre-Game Your Social Strategy

Want to improve your social network? “Just showing up” is rarely a good plan, especially for adults with ADHD in social situations. Bombarded by stimulation, swamped with anticipatory anxiety, flooded with emotions, and feeling you have lost the ability to self-regulate can make socializing both draining and overwhelming for people with ADHD. For many of…

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Keeping Organized Goes Beyond a Task List

Do you have trouble remembering and keeping tracks of tasks you need to complete? Has anyone ever suggested you use an electronic task list or make a list on paper? Have you tried either of these options without success? You may wonder why you have difficulties with this and wish there was something you could…

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Adult ADHD and Emotions

Create the Experience That Best Serves You Emotional regulation challenges are common and pervasive with ADHD. These challenges include the more obvious experiences of emotional reactivity: those times when something was said or done that triggered off a spiral of emotion. This can range from the positive, in the form of heightened enthusiasm or attraction,…

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