Do You Know ADHD?

IT’S EASY TO THINK WE “KNOW” ADHD since its diagnosis is related to specific symptoms such as distractibility or hyperactivity. Yet we are not always savvy about how the symptoms of ADHD are expressed in behaviors (called “symptomatic behaviors”). Learning more about this can dramatically improve your life. As an example, the symptom might be…

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2017 Young Scientist Research Awards

DURING THE ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADHD in Atlanta, Georgia, CHADD presented the 2017 Young Scientist Research Awards to Matthew J. Gormley, PhD, and Jaclyn Kamradt, MA. These emerging researchers were selected from a pool of outstanding applicants for their academic achievements, research studies record, professor recommendations, and planned future contributions to the field. Their…

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Overcoming the Immunity to Intelligence

(Or. How I Created the BuJo) THE DAY OF THE BIG TEST was brisk but bright, charged with that hopeful electricity of spring. It was one of those invigorating days where it feels unnatural to be cooped up inside. Our teachers must have felt the same way, because they had an idea. . . The…

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ADHD, Brain Balancing Music, and Mindfulness

New Breakthroughs and Resources OF ALL THE OPTIONS TO HELP PEOPLE WITH ADHD live better lives and be more functional members of society, one of the most overlooked is the use of music. As you will see, there is a good reason for this; “regular” music doesn’t work. Most traditional music is intended for entertainment…

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Find Your Own Way to Practice Mindfulness

WHAT IS MINDFULNESS? Mindfulness is a practice of being attentive to, and accepting of, experiences in the present moment, just as they are. This practice, derived from meditation, is now increasingly recognized as an approach that can be helpful in ADHD. Neuroscience research shows that mindfulness practice is a way to train attention, improve executive…

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ADHD, Self-Harm, and Suicide

Risk Factors and Recommendations for Parents by Jocelyn Meza HIGH LEVELS OF RISK-TAKING and sensation-seeking behaviors mark the critical periods of adolescence and young adulthood. In particular, self-harm and suicide are public health concerns that affect adolescents and young adults disproportionately, with suicide rates quickly rising. Recent data from the World Health Organization reveal that…

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Decisions, Dating, and Job Interviews

Ask the Adult ADHD Expert This is a really broad question, but how can I learn what my family calls “common sense” so that I don’t keep making decisions that get me into trouble? Let’s look first at your family’s concerns. “Common sense” is a pretty broad category. What issues has your family specifically mentioned…

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Accountability, Nagging, and Exercise

Does group therapy work for adult ADHD? I have a sneaky suspicion that I could make a lot of progress if I had a group helping to keep me accountable. There has been research showing that certain structured, skills-based groups can be helpful for adults with ADHD. Part of the reason for that success is…

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Home Again: What to Expect When Your Adult Child with ADHD Returns Home to Live

ADULT CHILDREN ARE RETURNING HOME in greater numbers than ever before. Nearly one in eight adults returns to their parents’ home. There are many reasons for their return home, including crushing financial student debt and an inability to find a job or obtain an initial foothold in an entry-level career, necessitating a try at graduate…

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ADHD and Self-Compassion

IT’S BEEN A TERRIBLY BUSY TIME AT WORK FOR YOUR BEST FRIEND. You get a panicked call that it’s her husband’s birthday and she not only forgot to pick up the gift, she never made a dinner reservation. She says to you, I’m such an idiot. I always make a mess of everything. And what’s…

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A Guide to a Successful Evening Out

SPENDING AN EVENING OUT WITH FRIENDS, family, or loved ones is always enjoyable. But as an adult with ADHD, I can tell you that these situations can also be very challenging. By better understanding the challenges and developing compensation strategies, you’ll be better equipped to handle potentially difficult situations. Here are some suggestions to make…

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