Your Lifestyle Will Determine Your Future

If you’re an adult with ADHD (or the parent or spouse of one), you’re probably all too familiar with the challenges of those with this diagnosis. You may also be aware of the ways that impulsiveness, motor restlessness, inattention, and executive functioning difficulties can impact lifestyle and health. Decades of research on ADHD have moved…

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Are You a Hotline Hothead?

How to Call Customer Service You have a customer service issue that you need to resolve by calling the company’s 800 number. This has been difficult for you in the past, as you struggle to regulate your emotions. Your friends and family may refer to you as “reactive” or possibly even a “hothead.” You are…

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Stay Cool Through the Yule

PARTIES! RELATIVES! PRESENTS! NO SCHOOL! WEATHER CHANGES! NEW PLANS! VISITORS! TRADITIONS! SOCIAL GATHERINGS! REMEMBER LAST HOLIDAY SEASON, when you vowed Never again!? When the pressure of the season and so many things to do really got to you? Well, those days are back… the holidays are upon us. Most families have begun to feel the…

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The ReThinkStress Program

NO DOUBT, STRESS CAN HAVE NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES on our health, our productivity, and our emotional well-being. But, according to Stanford psychologist Alia Crum, PhD, research also shows that stress can potentially have positive effects in these areas as well—if, that is, we can change our mindset about the very nature of stress. Our stress mindset,…

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Create Calm: It Really Matters!

MANY ASPECTS OF ADHD can affect behavior and performance, and the traits will affect each child differently. Always remember what it must feel like for these children every day—think of the chaos in their brains. I like the image of different colors of paint swirling together—beautiful, but chaotic at the same time. Our ability to…

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ADHD, Brain Balancing Music, and Mindfulness

New Breakthroughs and Resources OF ALL THE OPTIONS TO HELP PEOPLE WITH ADHD live better lives and be more functional members of society, one of the most overlooked is the use of music. As you will see, there is a good reason for this; “regular” music doesn’t work. Most traditional music is intended for entertainment…

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