ADHD Weekly 2017-09-07

ADHD and Migraines are Likely Partners
Join the discussion. Migraines are extremely painful headaches that can include nausea and sensitivity to light or sound. These headaches often co-occur in many children, adolescents and adults affected by ADHD. One study found that men affected by ADHD were more than twice as likely to have migraines as other men, and another study in…

Resources for Helping Your Family Cope with an Emergency
Join the discussion. The recent hurricane to hit Texas, Harvey, reminds us of both the need for both disaster preparedness and to be ready to reassure our children and fellow community members that things can be okay again. For our community members who have ADHD, or who have children diagnosed with ADHD, this can be…

Disaster, Trauma, and ADHD
Join the discussion. From natural disasters to human assaults, to protracted traumas such as war and violent neighborhoods, the psychological impact of adverse events to survivors can be serious and often lasting. This is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)―an anxiety disorder characterized by intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings, flashbacks or nightmares; depression, fear or anger; or…