ADHD in the News & Weekly

ADHD Weekly 2017-10-12

October 12, 2017

Becoming Ready to Launch: The Experiences of Millennials with ADHD

Conflicting Diagnoses? Take the Time to Get It Right

Helping Your Students Overcome Inattention


ADHD Weekly 2017-10-05

October 5, 2017

It’s ADHD Awareness Month! Get in the Know!

Were You Aware?

How Do You Know Your Medication is Right for You?


ADHD in the News 2017-10-05

October 5, 2017

Online parent training helps young kids with ADHD

ADHD and Eating Disorders: What You Should Know

Video contest raises awareness about ADHD


ADHD Weekly 2017-09-28

September 28, 2017

CHADD Webinar: Helping Teens Transition to Adulthood

Q&A with Thomas Brown and Russell Barkley on Medication and Creativity

Trauma and ADHD Co-Exist in Foster Children


ADHD in the News 2017-09-28

September 28, 2017

How to Overcome Your Negative ADHD Self-Talk

Evening Dose of Long-Acting ADHD Med Closer to Release

Using Humor to Cope With Your ADHD Diagnosis


ADHD Weekly 2017-09-21

September 21, 2017

New Research in Sensory Processing Dysfunction

Using Mindfulness When Parenting a Child with ADHD

Helping Children Make and Keep Good Friends


ADHD in the News 2017-09-21

September 21, 2017

ADHD Kids Can Be Still – If They’re Not Straining Their Brains

The Role Developmental Motor Skills Play in Your Child’s ADHD

FDA Clears Liquid Extended-Release Amphetamine for ADHD


ADHD in the News 2017-09-14

September 14, 2017

Brain White Matter May Hold Clues to Autism, ADHD

Tracking Tiny Eye Movements May Help Diagnose, Treat ADHD

Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy Increases Risk for Offspring but Heredity Also Involved


ADHD Weekly 2017-09-14

September 14, 2017

Ready to start your career?

School Suspension Risk Higher for Students with ADHD

Education Dept. seeking comments on proposed elimination of 504 Guidance Letter


ADHD Weekly 2017-09-07

September 7, 2017

ADHD and Migraines are Likely Partners

Resources for Helping Your Family Cope with an Emergency

Disaster, Trauma, and ADHD


ADHD in the News 2017-09-07

September 7, 2017

Look out for people at risk of having ADHD diagnosis missed, says NICE

ADHD being missed in girls because they are not as ‘disruptive’ Nice warns

Tips to Ensure Your Young ADHD Child’s Success in School


ADHD Weekly 2017-08-31

August 31, 2017

CHADD Announces 2017 Young Scientist Research Award Winners

What It‘s Like to Have ADHD: Presentations Change Throughout Life

ADHD? Learning Disability? It May Be Both

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