ADHD in the News & Weekly

ADHD in the News 2016-06-30

June 30, 2016

ADHD Symptoms in Adulthood Vary Based on Work Environment

Let Kids Be Kids: School Demands and ADHD

Atomoxetine May Be a Good Alternative Drug for ADHD


ADHD Weekly 2016-06-30

June 30, 2016

Ask the Expert Educator Webcast Series Starts in July

5 Effective Positive Reinforcement Tips for Your Child with ADHD

Swimming Safety for Children with ADHD


ADHD Weekly 2016-06-23

June 23, 2016

ADHD in the Workplace? Here’s How to Succeed.

Can ADHD Occur Later in Life?

Q&A: What are Islands of Competence?


ADHD in the News 2016-06-23

June 23, 2016

Exercise can help adults better cope with ADHD symptoms

Consistent links between capacity to delay gratification, ADHD, obesity

Adults With ADHD, Social Media and Driving Don’t Mix


ADHD in the News 2016-06-16

June 16, 2016

Sound Sleep Elusive for Many Kids With ADHD

ADHD and OCD Patients Differ Fundamentally in Brain Abnormalities

Drug treatment of hyperactivity in kids may have levelled off in UK


ADHD Weekly 2016-06-16

June 16, 2016

Is Genetic Screening the Right Choice for You or Your Child?

Does Your Child Need a New ADHD Evaluation?

Making a PCS Move When Your Child Has ADHD


ADHD Weekly 2016-06-09

June 9, 2016

A Better Understanding of ADHD & Autism

Be a Smart Media Consumer

Why You Need to Keep Good Records for ADHD


ADHD in the News 2016-06-09

June 9, 2016

The rules of the game for children with ADHD

Maternal Vitamin D Deficiency and Behavioral Issues in Offspring

The ADHD Healthy Living Summer Challenge


ADHD Weekly 2016-06-02

June 2, 2016

Q&A: Can ADHD & PTSD Occur Together?

Prepping Your Child with ADHD for Summer Camp


ADHD in the News 2016-06-02

June 2, 2016

New thinking on kids with ADHD: ‘Healthy lifestyle’ could be effective intervention

ADHD medication linked to slightly increased risk of heart rhythm problems

Exposure to nicotine could lead to ADHD, behavioral disorders in babies


ADHD Weekly 2016-05-26

May 26, 2016

What You Need to Know About Substance Abuse and ADHD Treatment

Travel Tips for Families with ADHD

Planning Ahead: Life Post-Graduation from High School or College


ADHD in the News 2016-05-26

May 26, 2016

Trial quality, bias may diminish value of methylphenidate for ADHD

Adults, Especially Women, May Develop ADHD Later In Life — Or Else Were Missed As Kids

Tasty and easy to take, a new ADHD drug alarms some psychiatrists

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