Looking for Ways to Get Organized?

Ask the Expert Highlight: Getting Organized with ADHD
Featuring Susan Pinsky
Are you ready for spring organizing? If you have ADHD, then you most likely know it can be a challenge to keep your home or workplace organized. Add in any possible family members, and storage can become chaotic. But we have some tips to help you get and stay organized this spring:
The best ways to sort and store your belongings
Setting realistic and manageable organizational goals
Tools to help you efficiently organize your home and office
Creating home organizational systems that work for you and your family
Learn from one of the leaders in the field of organizing solutions for people with ADHD during this helpful webinar.
Susan Pinsky is a professional organizer specializing in those with ADHD and chronic disorganization. She works closely with medical professionals, training physicians on appropriate organizing methodology for those with pathologically based disorganization. Ms. Pinsky is the author of Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD and The Fast and Furious Five Step Organizing Solution.