Using New Tools to Live A Deliberate Life

 ADHD Weekly, May 9, 2019

You may have heard how Henry David Thoreau wished “to live deliberately.” Jack Anderson reflects that he, too, wants to live deliberately—but indecision often gets the best of him.

“Even after I decide, I’ll second-guess myself,” he writes to readers of Attention magazine. “I therefore don’t trust my decision-making ability. Like the batter who stops swinging to avoid the pain of striking out, I stop living my life ‘deliberately.’”

How can a person with ADHD live more deliberately, then? Mr. Anderson takes a considered look at how to make decisions that build a deliberate life well-lived. In Creative Approaches for Better Decision Making he begins by rethinking the ways we approach decision-making. He offers some new strategies for readers to try.

“We can relieve some of the stress involved if we rethink the way we approach decision-making,” he writes. “The systems, strategies, and tools that work for those without ADHD may not work well for you. And the best process for organizing, managing time, or making decisions is the process that works best for you.”

Continue reading for his systems, strategies, and tools.

Join the discussion: What tools help you make decisions?