The Walking Classroom

The Walking Classroom

“A bout of exercise is like taking a little bit of Prozac and a little bit of Ritalin.” —John Ratey, MD Experts say that regular exercise can significantly improve the lives of individuals affected by ADHD, including school-age children. As a result, many schools across the United States are incorporating exercise into a typical school…

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ADHD and the Increasing Suicide Rate Among Black Youth

Napoleon Higgins, MD, interviewed by Melvin Bogard, MA Historically, suicide rates have been higher among whites than any other racial group. Recent studies confirm this but show the growing rate among Black youth, which now surpasses that of their white counterparts. Despite making up approximately 13% of the population, Black youth make up 37% of…

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Living Black with Undiagnosed and Untreated ADHD

Living Black with Undiagnosed and Untreated ADHD

Brandi Walker, PhD, interviewed by Melvin Bogard, MA The Black community continues to have difficulty discussing and acknowledging ADHD and other mental health issues. On the flip side, it’s being reported that Black children are being overdiagnosed and underdiagnosed with ADHD, due to implicit racial bias and cultural incompetence among professionals. So, how do we…

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How to Make Being Social Less Boring

How to Make Being Social Less Boring

Why is it so hard for people with ADHD to socialize? Do you find that getting together with friends and family is rewarding, yet you put it at the end of your to-do pile? Do you gladly accept invitations, yet rarely organize social situations? Do you regret losing relationships by not reaching out, not replying,…

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Understanding Emotional Development

Understanding Emotional Development

Strategies Parents Can Use from Toddlerhood through Adolescence Emotions PROVIDE CHILDREN WITH INVALUABLE INFORMATION about themselves, their environment, and their relationship with others in their environment. Developing the ability to identify, understand, and integrate emotional information are critical aspects of emotion development, which when achieved are associated with positive social, academic, and mental health outcomes for…

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Insights on ADHD and Executive Functioning (A Thinking Impairment)

Insights on ADHD and Executive Functioning

Engineering INVOLVES USING OUR SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING of the natural world to invent, design, and build things to solve problems and achieve specific goals. To engineer anything, we must have a model that has repeatable patterns explained by the model and a means to make observations. A plan is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving a…

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Principles for Parenting a Girl with ADHD

Parenting matters. This might appear to contradict what we know about the causes of ADHD in girls (and boys). Please let me clarify. No, how you parent your daughter doesn’t cause the disorder. But parenting does contribute greatly to outcomes for girls with ADHD. Despite the biological realities underlying ADHD, parenting practices are essential to…

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ADHD and the College Transition: Rethinking a Gap Year

ADHD and the College Transition: Rethinking a Gap Year

Over the last decade, more than half (an average 66%) of high school graduates went directly to college in America, but those numbers are now changing. The rising costs of college and questionable job market, worry about college preparedness, and pandemic have made millions of students question whether college is the correct path. In fact,…

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Finding Your Holiday Spirit Through Self-Care

The holiday season is filled to the brim with activities and time together. There’s lots of excitement, not to mention lots of organizing and things to do. Your planning often is about taking care of others and insuring everyone’s happiness. This year we need to practice packing some extra self-care. Check out these ideas to…

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Is Adult ADHD Related to Sleep Challenges?

Is Adult ADHD Related to Sleep Challenges

Are adults with ADHD more likely to have difficulties with sleep, and in what ways? This research brief examines two studies that investigated the associations between sleep disturbances and adult ADHD. The first study found that sleep problems were more severe and greater in frequency among adults with ADHD compared to adults without ADHD who…

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The Executive Function Podcast

“If growth mindset gives the vision, then executive function paves the way!” —Sarah Kesty, Educator, Author   The brainchild of educator and author Sarah Kesty, The Executive Function Podcast provides a range of tools, strategies, and resources designed to improve the lives of children, families, and young adults affected by ADHD, executive function challenges, and…

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Awards Presented at #ADHD2022

Each year, CHADD presents a series of awards honoring outstanding service and dedication to the ADHD community. In 2022, these awards were presented during the Annual International Conference on ADHD, co-hosted by CHADD, ADDA, and ACO. New this year was the Early Career Influencer Award, the first award presented jointly by all three organizations. Other…

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