Disclose Your ADHD? What to Consider First

Revisiting “To Tell or Not to Tell” Clients and audience members often ask me whether to tell their family, friends, coworkers, or bosses that they have ADHD. In social situations there sometimes are no right or wrong answers; so much depends on the circumstances, the openness of the person who has ADHD, and trustworthiness of…

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Find the Right Organizational System for You

And Stop Trying to Fit Yourself Into a Specific App or Tool   Twenty-eight-year-old Johnny works as a software developer. He has struggled with ADHD since his early years in elementary school. ADHD impacts his ability to stay focused, be organized, and get things done without procrastinating. As an adult, Johnny has often been told…

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Your Strengths Are Your Superpowers

Our strengths are often more obvious to people around us than they are to ourselves. We tend to give little credit to ourselves for things that are easy, enjoyable, or second nature. We also overlook talents that have drawn criticism in the wrong setting. People with ADHD often have difficulty identifying their strengths and talents…

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Providing Perspective Through My ADHD Story

My earliest school-related memory is from kindergarten. My teacher would assign a small homework packet on Monday that was due on the Friday of each week. Little did I know that my approach to completing my work was a unique one compared to the rest of my five-year-old peers. It took me years to understand…

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Know What They Need: Help Your Child Recharge and Review This Summer

As we enter summer break after more than a year of pandemic learning, you might feel pulled in opposite directions. On the one hand, your child hasn’t been in a traditional school setting for over a year. Students are likely behind where they would have been without the challenges of distance learning. On the other…

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Introducing Pocket MD

Training and Continuing Education for Healthcare Professionals   In order to provide quality care for their patients with ADHD, healthcare professionals need the best information available. Finding reliable, trustworthy, up-to-date content on ADHD can be a challenge—even for treatment professionals. Pocket MD is a new, podcast-based course provided by CHADD’s National Resource Center on ADHD…

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The Attention “Deficit” Myth

No doubt you’ve heard someone say, “My son can’t possibly have ADHD—he can play video games for hours straight!” The myth that having ADHD means a child cannot focus on anything remains one of the most persistent. In fact, children with ADHD are often able to focus on activities that are of interest to them…

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ADHD and the Myth of the Bad Parent

One of the most pernicious myths about ADHD is that it is caused by “bad parenting.” A mountain of science proves that this is just plain wrong. It’s long past time to do away with this harmful misconception once and for all. Parents of children with ADHD are often blamed, shamed, and stigmatized. Friends, family…

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LEAP: Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

Leading experts on ADHD find specific parent behavior management training approaches to be effective in helping children with ADHD improve their behavior. They find that aerobic exercise helps these children as well. If we bundled these interventions together, would it result in even greater improvement? That’s the question explored by psychologist Erin Schoenfelder Gonzalez, pediatrician…

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Is ADHD Related to Creativity?

This research update focuses on a common question: is there a link between ADHD and creativity? The first study reviewed research with both children and adults on this topic, and the second paper included two studies that examined whether motivation helps to explain the link between creativity and ADHD in adults. The findings show that…

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Bomb-Proof Your Jokes

Humor can be tricky. With ADHD, it can be even trickier. If your joke won’t land or you can’t hit the punch line, the awkward silence that follows can be deafening. Jokes change depending on the group, the situation, and the people. Humor is largely about timing, intention, and reading the room. Is your joke…

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Friendship Problems? How Parents Can Help

“Your son is getting better at turning in his homework,” said Spencer’s fourth grade teacher. “However, the other students don’t want to sit at his table. I notice that at recess he is often alone, and I worry about him socially.” Spencer’s parents reflect on this statement. Indeed, they have noticed that invitations to birthday…

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