The ReThinkStress Program

NO DOUBT, STRESS CAN HAVE NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES on our health, our productivity, and our emotional well-being. But, according to Stanford psychologist Alia Crum, PhD, research also shows that stress can potentially have positive effects in these areas as well—if, that is, we can change our mindset about the very nature of stress. Our stress mindset,…

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A Novel Treatment for Severe Irritability: Exposure-Based CBT for DMDD

MANY CHILDREN get annoyed when asked to stop playing video games or to help with chores. However, for some children these types of age-appropriate demands can lead to extreme behavioral responses that are out of proportion relative to the request, such as snapping, yelling, or even throwing things. In addition, they tend to have a…

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Inattentive Women with ADHD

WHAT’S IT LIKE TO BE A WOMAN with the inattentive presentation of ADHD? First of all, it’s likely that you were not diagnosed when you were a girl, because girls are diagnosed only when a parent or teacher suspects ADHD and refers them for assessment. And girls can be quite chameleon-like, especially at school—working hard to…

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Living with Inattentive ADHD

I HAVE INATTENTIVE ADHD, and in many ways, I’m a good example of doing well with it. I started college while still in high school, graduated with honors in three years, and got my master’s degree by age twenty-one. After a variety of jobs, I found my calling: teaching. It invited me to be creative,…

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Focus on One Cognitive Training Approach: An Interview with LearningRx

IN THE LAST DECADE, a variety of cognitive training programs have become available for treatment of ADHD symptoms. These programs are completed with a trainer and sometimes supplemented via online platforms. Their focus is often on improving executive functioning and information processing, such as working memory, visual and auditory processing speed, and attention. Cognitive training…

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CHADD’s Guide to Finding a Summer Camp

WHILE IT MAY SEEM TOO EARLY to start planning for summer at the start of winter, finding a camp for your child with ADHD can be stressful. You may be tempted to procrastinate, but starting your search now will pay off. Finding the right summer camp takes research and many discussions. To keep from getting…

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Create Calm: It Really Matters!

MANY ASPECTS OF ADHD can affect behavior and performance, and the traits will affect each child differently. Always remember what it must feel like for these children every day—think of the chaos in their brains. I like the image of different colors of paint swirling together—beautiful, but chaotic at the same time. Our ability to…

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CBD Oil for ADHD? What the Research Says

YOU’VE SEEN THE POP-UP ADS or you’ve heard a friend talk about CBD oil as an alternative treatment for ADHD. Every online community and social media platform seems to have someone praising the compound or offering to sell it. But what is it, and does it really have any proven benefits for managing ADHD symptoms?…

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Cardiovascular Risk and Stimulant Medication

THE FAMILIES OF CHILDREN WITH ADHD FACE MANY CHALLENGES, including caring for those affected and dealing with the potential side effects associated with therapy. The healthcare system unfortunately has added confusion to ADHD management. In 2006, the FDA released a warning on ADHD medications based on twenty-five reported cases of sudden death in children and…

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19 Consejos para encontrar tratamiento para el ADHD a bajo costo

¡Ayuda! ¿Cómo puedo obtener una evaluación para el TDAH si mi seguro de salud no me proporciona una cobertura adecuada? Muchos doctores en mi área, no aceptan nuevos pacientes o no participan en mi plan de seguro de salud o quieren cobrar demasiado. No tengo mucho dinero para poder pagarlo yo mismo.   ¿Cómo puedo…

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Training in the Trades

Worried about the traditional college route? Learn about the positive realities of this option for students with ADHD.   SAM COMES FROM A FAMILY of high achievers. Everyone in his family who is older than him has gone to college, and everyone who is younger is expected to go as soon as they graduate from…

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ADHD and Family Stress

THIS RESEARCH UPDATE focuses on the impact of ADHD on parenting and family stress. The reviewed studies also examined whether reductions in parenting stress follow ADHD treatment. How are early ADHD symptoms associated with family stress? Prior studies have documented higher levels of stress among parents and families of children with ADHD. This study sought…

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