2023 CHADD Awards

2023 CHADD Awards

2023 Lifetime Achievement Award Max Wiznitzer, MD Max Wiznitzer, MD, is a pediatric neurologist and interim chief of pediatric neurology in the neurologic institute at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. He is a professor of pediatrics and neurology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Dr. Wiznitzer completed a…

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Checking Homework: Track Assignments with a Single Sign-On

Checking Homework: Track Assignments with a Single Sign-On

PARENT: I’m looking at this app, and it looks like your grades are low. You’re missing a lot of assignments. CHILD: No, that’s not right. I turned everything in. PARENT: But it says you’re missing twelve assignments and you have zeros on all of them. CHILD: Ugh. My teachers are the worst. I did those…

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School-Based Interventions for Adolescents with ADHD

School-Based Interventions for Adolescents with ADHD

This research update reviews two recent studies that investigated the outcomes of school-based programs for youth with ADHD. What are researchers learning about such interventions? The first study examined an intervention delivered by mental health professionals to support youth with ADHD in social and academic functioning, involving individual, group, and parent sessions. Students in the…

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When Someone Shows You Who They Are

When Someone Shows You Who They Are

What makes someone worthy? How do you know if a potential friend is treating you well? What does treating you well look like? People with ADHD often ask these questions, sometimes after looking back on a friendship that went south. The truth is, many people with ADHD are not treated well by friends or acquaintances.…

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Conquer ADHD Sleep Struggles with Support and Accountability

Conquer ADHD Sleep Struggles

ADHD experts report that the majority of individuals with ADHD also experience sleep-related problems. Sleep difficulties can significantly affect the quality of their day-to-day lives. In an effort to address their needs, Melissa Reskof developed the ADHD Sleep Routines Accountability Group. Reskof has a deep understanding of and strong personal interest in the impact sleep-related…

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The Quest for Clinical Practice Guidelines for ADHD in Adults

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental psychiatric condition that occurs in childhood and often persists throughout an individual’s life. While the United States has established diagnostic and treatment guidelines for childhood ADHD (American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics), similar guidance for adults with ADHD remains conspicuously…

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Memories of a Remarkable Parent and Educator: Chris A. Zeigler Dendy

Chris A. Ziegler Dendy 1944–2023 It is with sadness that we share the passing of Chris A. Zeigler Dendy, a longtime CHADD volunteer and cofounder of CHADD’s Teacher to Teacher training program, on July 8, 2023. Inducted into CHADD’s Hall of Fame in 2006, she received CHADD’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2014. A passionate advocate,…

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Are the Gifts of ADHD a Mirage?

I believe that talking about the “gifts” of ADHD started with physicians and therapists who were uncomfortable telling a child and her parents that she had ADHD. They wanted the diagnosis to be less scary, less awful sounding. They wanted to say something positive so the child and the family would not be downhearted and…

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Overcoming Tragedy: A Story of Love, Kindness, and Making a Difference

Overcoming Tragedy-A Story of Love, Kindness, and Making a Difference

In life, we often find ourselves facing unexpected challenges that push us to our limits. For our family, the loss of our beloved son, Anthony, who battled with ADHD and other learning difficulties, became the driving force behind our vision to make a positive impact on the lives of countless children and teenagers facing similar…

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Setting Up and Organizing a Study Space

Back-to-school success depends on a great home study space for your kiddos. With the best intention, families often add a desk to their kids’ bedrooms for studying and homework. Adding a desk to their rooms might be the answer to some students’ productivity, however, there are other options for families to consider. Here are some…

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ADHD and Financial Therapy

Financial stress: it’s in the pile of items-to-be-returned in the hallway, the fees for late or missed payments, the nervous laughter when discussing retirement plans, and the heated arguments with partners or family members. ADHD can contribute to financial stress in many ways: lower expected lifetime earnings coupled with higher healthcare costs, reduced savings and…

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The Student’s Responsibilities at College

Everyday Responsibilities   Excerpted from the book Seven Steps to College Success: A Pathway for Students with Disabilities, 3rd Edition by Elizabeth C. Hamblet (2023). Used by permission of the publisher Rowman & Littlefield. All rights reserved. Follow the rules Even if they are registered with their college’s disability services office (DS), students with disabilities are expected…

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