Treatment of Teens with ADHD
Unfortunately, no cure currently exists for ADHD. Therefore, treatment focuses on symptom management. Although the symptoms of ADHD may change with age, teens with ADHD still require treatment to target these symptoms and may require treatment into adulthood. Education is a necessary component to any treatment and provides teens and families with the tools to…
Read MoreDiagnosing ADHD in Adolescence
Some teens with ADHD were not diagnosed in childhood and may begin to struggle more as demands increase in adolescence. You or your teen’s teachers may suspect that ADHD symptoms are contributing to these struggles. For teens not diagnosed in childhood, obtaining a diagnosis of ADHD in adolescence can be complicated for several reasons. First,…
Read MoreTeens and Young Adults
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, almost 12 percent of teenagers are diagnosed with ADHD. Teens in general can face academic challenges, social difficulties and problems at home, however, having ADHD may make these issues more difficult to deal with or more severe. Teens with ADHD are at risk for potentially serious problems…
Read MoreADHD and Childcare
There is no one-size-fits-all rule when it comes to finding the right child care provider. In general, parents usually look for providers that are conveniently located, affordable, properly certified and licensed, and have a good emergency plan. While all parents want to find the best child care for their child or children, parents of…
Read MoreBehavioral Therapy for Young Children
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that young children (ages 2 to 5) with ADHD receive behavior therapy for treatment first before trying medication. Behavior therapy for young children is most effective when their parents learn strategies from therapists and use those strategies to manage their children’s behavior. Parents learn to create structure, reinforce good…
Read MorePreschoolers and ADHD
At times preschoolers may have difficulty paying attention, following directions, and waiting or taking their turn. These behaviors can be common and age appropriate or they may indicate the need for an Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) evaluation. As a parent, you might wonder whether your preschooler has ADHD or is just being rambunctious and acting typical…
Read MoreSubstance Abuse and ADHD
Is ADHD a risk factor for substance abuse A number of studies have been conducted that show a modest connection between childhood ADHD and risk for later substance abuse (Biederman et al., 2006; Lambert & Hartsough, 1998; Mannuzza et al., 1991; Molina, Flory et al., 2007; Molina, Pelham et al., 2003;2007). Study findings vary somewhat…
Read MorePediatric Bipolar Disorder
The existence of a mood disorder in adults involving severe mood swings from states of deep depression to states of elation has been recognized now for over a century. This disorder is commonly referred to as manic-depression but is now formally referred to as bipolar disorder, referring to the two “poles” of depression and mania.…
Read MoreCoexisting Conditions in Children
More than two-thirds of individuals with ADHD have at least one other coexisting condition. The symptoms of ADHD—constant motion and fidgetiness, interrupting and blurting out, difficulty sitting still and need for constant reminders, etc.—may overshadow these other disorders. But just as untreated ADHD can present challenges in everyday life, other disorders can also cause unnecessary…
Read MoreSocial Skills Interventions
Interventions for peer relationships (how the child gets along with other children) are a critical component of treatment for children with ADHD. Very often, children with ADHD have serious problems in peer relationships. Children who overcome these problems do better in the long run than those who continue to have problems with peers. There is…
Read MoreSchool Interventions
As is the case with parent training, the techniques used to manage ADHD in the classroom have been used for some time and are considered effective. Many teachers who have had training in classroom management are quite expert in developing and implementing programs for students with ADHD. However, because the majority of children with ADHD…
Read MoreParent Training and Education
A helpful treatment plan for a child or teen with ADHD begins with parents who are educated about ADHD. Parents who also receive behavior management training for ADHD can help improve their child’s behavior and relationships at home. Behavioral Parent Training Behavioral Parent Training (BPT) is a program that helps parents learn ways to help…
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