
Improving the Educational Experience for Black Students with ADHD

…reading development Rachel James, MSLIS, is the health sciences librarian at CHADD and manager of the Young Scientist Research Awards.   contents marketplace Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)CHADD does…


Parenting Skills and Behavior Challenges

…ADHD are young. In fact, parenting interventions delivered when children with ADHD are very young have benefits that extend into adulthood. These benefits include lower rates of depression, less criminal…


Tailored for Young Learners: SMARTS Elementary

…Year Award. The original curriculum is designed for middle school and high school students. ResearchILD’s elementary school version is intended to teach younger students similar strategies but at an earlier…


2021 CHADD Awards

…of Canada. Young Scientist Research Awards Melissa Dvorsky, PhD Melissa Dvorsky, PhD, is an assistant professor of pediatrics, psychiatry, and behavioral sciences and director of the ADHD and learning differences…


2023 CHADD Awards

…their school career, a critical time to promote engagement with learning. 2023 CHADD Young Scientist Research Awards The 2023 Young Scientist Research Awards were announced in the October 2023 issue…


Everything I Know I Learned in Kindergarten

…and wonder. Kindergarten is a magical place. Remember that young children live in a world filled with awe and wonder. Children with ADHD often do not filter their innocent curiosity….


CBD Oil for ADHD: What the Research Says

…and Cannabis Use on Executive Functioning in Young Adults. This study showed poor cognitive function outcome for young adults who began using cannabis before the age of sixteen, including young


Will ADHD Symptoms Improve with Marijuana Use?

…for sure is that, overwhelmingly, people with ADHD, especially in the young adult age range, are consistently saying that they’re finding something about marijuana to be helpful. And I don’t…


Is College Right for Everyone?

…Teens and Young Adults Find Their Path,” Attention, April 2011. |   contents marketplace Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)CHADD does not endorse products, services, publications, medications, or treatments,…


Principles for Parenting a Girl with ADHD

…known ADHD and stigma researcher and the author of numerous articles and books for scientists, professionals, and general readers, Dr. Hinshaw has received, among other awards, the Distinguished Scientific Contributions…


Will ADHD Symptoms Improve with Marijuana Use?

…thing we know for sure is that, overwhelmingly, people with ADHD, especially in the young adult age range, are consistently saying that they’re finding something about marijuana to be helpful….


Helping Teens Become Resilient Adults

…a resilient mindset is a skill a young people with ADHD need, how can you as a parent or mentor help your teen or young adult develop this skill? A…

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