
Those Lovely ‘Mones: The Intersection of ADHD and Hormones

…loss of estrogen at the climacteric (menopause) is more gradual-it may take five years or longer for estradiol to drop to negligible levels. Estrone is produced during menopause but is…


Will ADHD Symptoms Improve with Marijuana Use?

…several states made it legal for medical purposes, and now many states have made it legal, at least for medical purposes, and some, even for recreation. We’ve noted that many…


About NRC

About the National Resource Center The National Resource Center on ADHD (NRC), a program of CHADD, was established to be the national clearinghouse for the latest evidence-based information on ADHD….


Limiting Screen Time During a Pandemic: A Guide for Parents

…comes with it, I am seeing more excessive screen use than ever before, in particular among children with ADHD. However, parents are now more ambivalent about whether the excessive use


Understanding Emotional Development

…okay to swear at their younger sister because they are upset. Don’t minimize your adolescent’s emotion; for example, saying “oh, you’re overreacting” or “you’re being so dramatic.” Such statements decrease…


New Eyewear Might Help Improve Teen Driving Safety

…to have it made into a cellphone app that can be used with the device to alert drivers that they are no longer watching the road. Keeping their eyes on…


Will ADHD Symptoms Improve with Marijuana Use?

…on it. Then several states made it legal for medical purposes, and now many states have made it legal, at least for medical purposes, and some, even for recreation. We’ve…


Practice of Informal Removal Limits Students’ Education

…school, either because of misbehavior or illness. It is when these requests to take a student home occur the majority of school days—and are requested because of a student’s behavior…


Meditation and Adult ADHD

…guided meditation from a phone app or website can provide useful guidance and structure. I recommend the Brightmind app, and Insight Timer, Headspace, and Calm are popular choices as well….


Finding Your Holiday Spirit Through Self-Care

…apps to keep digital tickets on your phone to use when you attend the event. Problem: The holiday dinner is at my house. How will I get it all prepared…


The Transition to College Starts Today

…with a 504 plan, colleges will use that plan to determine what accommodations you might need. So, use your 504 plan as a template for talking with support staff about…


Organization Skills Training for Children with ADHD

…a look at the resting state activity of the brain, can this program, if it is effective with kids, change some of the resting state connections that are observed-kids with…

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