Help Your Child with Screen Resistance or Anxiety in Distance Learning

Virtual learning leads to challenging circumstances and struggles for many children and teenagers with ADHD. While some are doing well, others suffer mightily. Despite the hard work of dedicated teachers and loving, committed parents, many students are resisting, avoiding, or shutting down in the face of virtual learning demands. As a family therapist, I have…

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Text Support for ADHD

Do you find it difficult to get your child’s ADHD medication refills on time? Do you want to receive helpful and reputable information about ADHD and its treatment? Do you want to get useful suggestions on how to manage your child’s daily life and homework? A team of researchers has developed an online intervention to…

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Resilience in the Midst of Difficult Times

Providing Mental Health Support to Students with Attention Problems Schooling at Home Suddenly, we were serving our students and families from home. Regardless of all the news we had been watching about COVID-19 around the world, when it hit hard in Georgia, it felt sudden and drastic. Not only was finding toilet paper a major feat,…

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What Do Students with Attention Challenges Really Think About Remote Learning?

When schools were closed this past March, most of us thought the closures would be short-lived. Surely some remedy for COVID-19 would be discovered within a few months! Teachers and students stepped off into the great unknown, laptops in hand, plucking up courage, with little training, and no preparation. As time passed, and teachers attempted…

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School-Based Services for Children with ADHD

This research update focuses on an overarching question: what predicts school-based services received by children with ADHD? The first study examined specific factors related to receiving school-based services for children with ADHD, and the second study investigated school service use for children specifically with the inattentive presentation of ADHD. School-based interventions have been shown to…

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Video Games in Assessing and Treating ADHD

This research update focuses on one overarching question: what is the role of video games in assessments and interventions for ADHD? The first study described is a systematic review of video games for evaluating and treating ADHD, and the second study discussed is a study of a particular computer game to improve impulsivity for ADHD.…

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Executive Functioning Disorder and Mathematics

Three Strategies to Implement Evan is a likeable fourth grade student who has a lot of friends but struggles in school, especially with math. He was diagnosed with ADHD last year because of his attention-related behavior. Evan thinks he understands the material, but then struggles at home with completing his homework. He feels most defeated…

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Balancing Virtual and Classroom Learning

How to Keep Kids with ADHD On Track There’s no doubt that the fall of 2020 will be like no other. As parents, we hoped our kids would be sitting at their desks on that first day of school, but the reality is very different. If you’re sad, anxious, disappointed, angry, or feeling any other…

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