Game-Based Learning

An Update on LearningWorks for Kids LIKE SO MANY OTHER EXPERTS, clinical psychologist Randy Kulman long observed children with ADHD who, despite struggling mightily to pay attention at school, paid attention just fine when playing computer games. He began to consider an idea: What if he could design a program that uses popular computer games…

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Homework in the Era of the Online Grade Portal

“I turned that in,” yelled Jack. “According to the online portal, you have a zero,” stated his father. Has an exchange like this happened in your home yet? More and more schools are providing parents with 24/7 online access to their child’s grades. There are many positives to this. Parents know how their child is…

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Creating a Cooperative Environment at Home

  Taking Stock Are these thoughts familiar to you? I wish my kid(s) listened to me better. I find myself nagging much more often than I’d like. I am not sure which of my child’s misbehaviors I need to nip in the bud now and which ones I can ignore. I wish I had more…

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Time Well Spent

Why Summer Camp Should Be a Part of Your Child’s Growth Continuum AS PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH ADHD, we often get caught up in the struggles they are prone have. They tend to be anxious, struggle with poor social skills and emotional coping skills, perseverate on things they are interested in to the exclusion of…

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Camp Can Be a Place to Thrive

For many parents whose children have ADHD or are twice-exceptional, summer marks the end of a school year rife with organizational, social, and academic challenges. From homework hassles to organizational black holes and home/school communications, a high level of frustration can develop in both parents and children. Research-informed summer camps provide an opportunity for children…

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Mindfulness, ADHD, and Managing Emotions

A NEW STUDY* SHOWS BENEFIT TO CHILDREN WITH ADHD as young as seven years old when they practice mindfulness. Perhaps surprisingly, the study is not really about attention. Instead, the researchers measured improvements around behavior and emotion. That’s because neither ADHD nor mindfulness specifically have to do with focus. On a much grander level, both…

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“You’re On Your Own!!!”

An Approach to Leading Students from Supported Instruction to Responsible Independence   “I’VE SHOWN THEM HOW TO DO IT, now they’re on their own!” You’ve heard yourself say it, I’ve heard myself say it. Or I’ve shouted it silently in my head. At times, it’s the right thing to say, but most often our students…

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How Can I Get My Child to Read for Pleasure?

WHEN I WAS A CHILD, I always had my nose in a book. The characters became my friends, and I basked in their lives. Compelling plots urged me to pick up my book whenever possible—during short breaks in class and as soon as I returned home from school. Reading was my ultimate form of relaxation…

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ADHD and Dental Care: Guidance for Parents and Caregivers

Caregivers and dental professionals play an important role in helping children to develop healthy oral hygiene habits and to feel comfortable at the dentist. For youngsters with ADHD, their introduction to dentistry often sets the tone for how they relate to oral healthcare for the rest of their lives. ADHD often makes it difficult for…

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What’s a Comprehensive Assessment and How Could It Help My Child?

My last year in my doctoral program to become a clinical psychologist, I applied for a fellowship in pediatric neuropsychology. I had focused on child development, assessment, and health psychology during school. I wanted to learn even more about the assessment of cognitive skills linked to brain functioning, like memory, attentional functioning, processing speed, and…

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Organize Assignments with Customizable Apps

APPS ARE AVAILABLE TO DO MANY THINGS, including helping students to keep track of their homework assignments. Each child or teen is different in how he or she wishes to organize and plan out assignments, however. For many students who would benefit from using an electronic method, the use of a structured app specifically designed…

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