How to Motivate and Engage Twice Exceptional Learners

On a regular day it can be difficult to capture a student’s attention and focus. Right now, when students may be virtual, hybrid, or in-person wearing a mask and maintaining social distance, it’s even harder. When we add giftedness and an ADHD diagnosis, well, teachers and parents who successfully motivate and engage these learners really…

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Uneasy in the Harness: Reconsidering ADHD Motivation

For kids growing up in farm and ranch country, work was always easy to find for willing hands. When it came time of year to work cattle, this often involved horses. For moving cattle, we had a special kind of horse known as a “cutting horse.” These brilliant animals were bred and trained to intuitively…

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Supporting Teens & Their Parents

MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS who work with teens with ADHD and their parents know that effective treatment often goes beyond simply teaching teens how to be more organized and focused. It’s also about helping to reduce homework battles, improve parent-teen communication, and reduce family stress. Treatment must also help teens to feel more invested in learning…

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How Do I Get Through to My Teenager? [Webinar guests: Elaine Taylor-Klaus, CPCCC, PCC, and Diane Dempster, MHSA, CPC, PCC]

Elaine Taylor-Klaus, CPCC, PCC, and Diane Dempster, MHSA, CPC, PCC, are certified professional coaches, community educators, and advocates for families living with ADHD. With six complex kids between their two families, they are passionate about helping parents reduce the stress of raising children with ADHD. They are the cofounders of, a global resource offering…

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